Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dynasty Sprit Elite All Stars Update

DSE Logo

Welcome to our Dynasty! Our children are involved in this program.

DSE Alt Logo Competition Changes

In evaluating our season's list of competitions and costs, we had to change a few things around. As of now, we will be doing three local/regional competitions, one national competition and one worlds' competition. The cost for competition has gone up; however the cost for our family, friends, and supporters to attend as spectators has dropped by $40. Each athlete only has to cover $35 more towards the competitions. It raises the competition fees to $260. We've added an additional fundraiser to assist in cover the costs.

DSE LogoRegistration Fundraisers
There were two fundraisers, the candle fundraiser and the patron form, given out at registration. The patron form is an optional fundraiser which would be used to cover the balance of your uniform costs. Anything raised over the balance of the uniforms will cover your competition fees. Each line is for donations in increments of $10 except for the last which is for $20. The patron form and donations raised are due on January 8th. The candle fundraiser, which is one of our mandatory fundraisers, is used for the balance of your Dynasty Cheer Gear. The goal is to sell a minimum of 25 items. The forms & money are due on January 15th.

Payment Coupon Man Payment Coupons
The payment coupon sheets that were distributed are used to accompany any payments that are turned in. Write the amount of money next to the item you are paying for and turn in with your payments. This will help both of us accurately identify where the payments should be allocated.
January 9th All Star Competition
Lastly, the competition on January 9th is $15; we'll be meeting at the PA Convention Center at 10:30.

Jersey Diamond All Stars